Mitch Cohen

Anyone feel like a WidgetKit question? Stack Overflow: WidgetKit configuration, one parameter based on selection of another parameter, or same on Dev Forums, whichever floats your Q&A boat. (Also, please don’t laugh at my example of Captains Kirk, Picard, and… Crunch.)

What could possibly be wrong with this view hierarchy?

Someone with an inflated ego still can’t admit he lost. (Hopefully my last election #mbnov; maybe I’ll be able to think about other things tomorrow…)

It is somewhat puzzling that news outlets haven’t called the election yet. Seems about over to me. Hopefully tomorrow. #mbnov

Today’s #mbnov word is Stoop. My brain is on the election count, so every comment I can muster is related. Will I stoop so low to say that the current President will stoop so low and claim votes shouldn’t count? Why yes, he did that, so I’ll do this.

It just hit me that I haven’t watched a minute of television since Monday. I’ve had a very close eye on election results, but purely via news web sites and some podcasts. Interesting.

The end is near. Either the election results or just everything, I can’t quite decide. #mbnov

I’m simply astonished at the current state of the country. #mbnov (Hopefully I’ll be in a better mood once more states are counted…)

This summer I moderated two legislative candidate debates (via Zoom). Tonight I learned a snippet was edited into a YouTube hit piece against one of the candidates. It’s rather hilarious. I’ll post a link after tomorrow, to deprive the anonymous editor of any political benefit.

The #mbnov word of the day is concentrate. The U.S. Presidential Election is tomorrow. Concentrate on anything else? I think not.

The iPhone’s night mode never ceases to amaze me. Here it turned a dreary evening, two nights ago, into something photogenic. (Note to the future: New prompts this month, with “dreary” as the first day.) #mbnov

Random Apple U1 chip idea: Auto-adjust balance of a HomePod stereo pair based on where I’m sitting relative to each speaker. I moved my listening chair three feet and I’m out of kilter, sonic-wise.

Suburbs of Boston, MA, 5:45pm. Turning the otherwise-empty second floor of our carriage house into a home theater. Very slowly. But the sound is now amazing thanks to an old setup unearthed from the basement. #adayinthelife

Couldn’t wait to get our ballots where they belong.

While doing research for our Halloween decorations (seriously!) I learned of Belva Lockwood who I’d never heard of. Holy cow, she was amazing! First female lawyer to argue in the US Supreme Court, first woman to run for President, and more.

Watching the mockumentary Bob Roberts instead of the debate. I’ll bet I haven’t seen it in 15 years. In some ways it’s dated, but overall it might be more timely today than in the early 1990’s.

Prepping for the holiday season a week earlier than usual, because the world could use a bit more joy than usual.

I’m an optimist, and I’ve got nothing. This is bad. #RBG

Space 1999’s premise is the moon flies far away, taking the main characters with it. Did they ever disclose what a mess this made on Earth?

I finished my rewatch of Mad Men tonight, which I hadn’t seen since its first run. I’d “remembered” scenes which turned out never happened at all. But the ending is as I’d remembered. Great show.

Crazy kids love horsing around. And, thus ends another month of prompted photo posts. Good stuff.

Discovery Meadow in San Jose is the site of Apple’s annual WWDC Bash since moving cities in 2017. Here, from 2019, developers enjoy nighttime ping pong.

From 2013, one of our little flakes enjoying a few snow flakes. 991DB4DF-EE4E-4EF9-AE98-46C1043DB4F0.jpg

All the emotions: Our older daughter meeting her baby sister for the first time. From 2010. 📷

I had a hard time thinking of a photo for “overcome.” But I found this 2004 photo of a reuben at the Carnegie Deli. Yum. Overcome that mountain of corned beef, sauerkraut, and cheese? Ah, overcome with thirst when done eating, that I remember. I miss this place. Yum.