Bananas - 1971. A delightfully silly classic. Allen is Fielding Mellish, an bumbling New Yorker who bumbles into a Central American coup. Howard Cosell plays himself in two hilarious scenes. Some amusing political commentary.
Take the Money and Run - 1969, Allen’s first written/directed film that feels like a Woody Allen film. Good stuff. He’s a dumb nerdy thief who gets the pretty girl. His parents are a riot. Classic Woody Allen all around.
Don’t Drink the Water - 1994. I tried to watch the 1969 version (written but not directed by Allen) but ended up with this (directed by Allen). I liked it. Good cast, funny, and sweet conclusion. The photographs that set up the story were never explained though.
What’s Up, Tiger Lily? - 1966, Allen’s directorial debut. A bizarre experimental film. Allen took a silly Japanese spy comedy and re-cut/re-dubbed it into a sillier spy comedy. I appreciate experimentation, but this one took me three sittings to get through it.
What’s New Pussycat - 1965, written by Allen, who plays a sidekick role. Slapstick. I had a hard time keeping track of all the brunettes having affairs with Peter O’Toole. Silly but fun. Not directed by Allen but similar feel to films he’d later direct.
I enjoyed A Rainy Day In New York - 2019. College-age romance in NYC. A good screenplay and cast. I’d never heard of Timothée Chalamet by name but I’d seen him in Homeland. Predictable but quaint final scene.
Last week I watched Woody Allen’s latest film, A Rainy Day In New York. Woody’s an odd guy, some say a bad guy. In general I like his films. I decided I’d make an attempt to watch all 50-or-so of his films, starting with his oldest. I’ll blog about it here, with brief reviews.
Whatever iTunes Match is called now has begun misremembering songs. It thinks Believe from Run Lola Run is a slow & quiet instrumental I’ve never heard, which is far from the truth. Worst part is it’s impossible to find what songs are screwed up without playing them all.
I’ve never quite understood the appearance of the color indigo. However while staring at my rice over dinner, I’m guessing this is close enough. My wife says this is a mix of brown and black rice. Also, shredded brussels sprouts.
For today’s blue theme, from 2014. Blue water, blue sky, and a girl in a pink bathing suit scooping shells.
As film transitioned to digital photography, I had an enjoyable fling with color infrared film. I loved the unpredictable results and false colors. Here’s one of my favorites, with a yellow sky for Yellow day in land.
Way back in 1984 I ran an old-style dialup BBS. A columnist interviewed 17-year-old me about BBS’s and computer hacking. Those were fun days! “Enter the world of the ‘hacker’”
Ziggy, our not-spoiled-at-all dog, under a cozy red blanket for the first day of’s rainbow themed week.
“If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none.” - Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury 💬
Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: ‘Are your ready?’
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs 💬
“When you are a bear of very little brain, and you think of things, you find sometimes that a thing which seemed very thinkish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
–Winnie the Pooh 💬
As a followup to last night’s 💬, I found an image of the full quote in Haring’s handwriting. I’d scanned this from a calendar in the mid-1990’s. I wish I’d scanned it in a higher resolution, but mid-1990’s.