Mitch Cohen

Cool gelato flavors, balancing a nice warm day of fun in the sun.

I’m enjoying the micro blog photo month thing. Apologies for the endless vacation photos…

After jumping in ocean waves, the girls are happy to rest in the pool.

Balance, with distractions. (Photo taken yesterday for this purpose, but not posted until this morning, due to distractions.)

On rides like this, I ponder if I’d have any luck as a realtor. I have trouble differentiating the $5M homes from the $25M homes.

Warmth: sisters chatting at the hot tub.

I’ve found seaglass before, but never an intact tiny glass bottle with critters attached.

The wind made this thing rise so fast I thought the guy would go with it.

I just might be attached to this place.

A rather plain plane.

Hate Has No Home Here.

Ziggy takes advantage of a rare lull in the action at the Cohen household.

iPhone 11 Pro night mode photos are bonkers good. These were taken handheld in total darkness other than moonlight. (This was on an Audubon “owl prowl”. Saw no owls, but still fun.)

Followup to earlier contrast photo of cake: a slice of said cake. Very tasty!

Contrast. Round chocolate cake on square white plate.

Above, I fear the day when I need to change this smoke detector’s battery. Or the upward-facing light bulb in the middle.

Real plant. Fake worm.

Day 5: I’m hiding in plain sight at the town library. This is the only place I can go where everyone knows me but nobody bugs me.

Day 4, Spot. His name isn’t Spot but he has spots on his nose.

Day 3. Reflect.

Day 2, Sight: Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, so it’s an early spring!

I’m so excited about the photo challenge that I posted the piano twice. Oops. Here’s the piano in context. We should really call this the Music Room rather than the Living Room. Piano, rain stick, ukelele, shofar, and a keyboard (on loan from our library). Clarinet is MIA.

Open. #mbfeb (Microblog photoblogging challenge day 1, which I’ll attempt throughout the month.)

Open. #mbfeb (Microblog photoblogging challenge day 1, which I’ll attempt throughout the month.)

🖖🧑‍🦲👍 (If your emoji’s aren’t clear, that’s a live-long-and-prosper emoji, followed by a bald-headed man emoji, followed by a thumbs-up emoji.) (If you don’t read emoji, or if I’ve done it wrong, I’m trying to say that I watched the first episode of Star Trek: Picard and liked it.)