I gave a talk to local scouts last night (I’m a local government “official” in my spare time). Great discussion. I did not expect a followup question on the second amendment. Kids think about school shootings.
My Apple Watch (Ultra) has begun taking screenshots on its own. Usually several per day, beginning 3-4 weeks ago. I imagine I’m pressing my wrist back into the buttons. I’m unsure how or why this began - not wearing it any differently than when I first got it a few months ago. Same band, etc.
For reasons unknown, I’ve just completed binge-watching the entire 1950’s Adventures of Superman with George Reeves. One take-away: At no time in the series did Superman change the course of even one mighty river.
The weather was delightful last week for our vacation. One morning I made pancakes on the grill by the beach.
The same little twist-tie has kept this suitcase secure during air travel for thirty years. (Welcome to the March 2023 micro.blog photo challenge!) 📷
I finally decided I’d try ChatGPT. It requires a login, so I created an account with a single-use email as I do with all services. Then it insisted on a cell phone number, which I don’t use for any non-critical authentication. I have a Google Voice number for such things, so I used that. But it wouldn’t take a “virtual phone number.” Then it made sense, a creepy internet robot only knows how to be creepy. Not worth it to me, so I closed the window.
Finished reading: Annie Leibovitz. The early years 1970-1983 by Luc Sante 📚
Last night I gave a talk on local government to 25 ten-year-old scouts. I’m so impressed how aware and engaged they are, with incredibly insightful questions. I can’t wait until they’re old enough to attend Town Meeting!
Finished reading: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker 📚I enjoyed this quite a bit. I’m a big fan of live music, so I sympathized with the characters. An easy read. Shouldn’t be challenging for those who aren’t SciFi fans.
Currently reading: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker 📚
Finished reading: What If? 2 by Randall Munroe 📚
Found today in a box of childhood stuff: A 1983 computer magazine insert of a record. When played into a TRS-80 Color Computer the bleeps and bloops become three little programs.