Mitch Cohen

I gave a talk to local scouts last night (I’m a local government “official” in my spare time). Great discussion. I did not expect a followup question on the second amendment. Kids think about school shootings.

My Apple Watch (Ultra) has begun taking screenshots on its own. Usually several per day, beginning 3-4 weeks ago. I imagine I’m pressing my wrist back into the buttons. I’m unsure how or why this began - not wearing it any differently than when I first got it a few months ago. Same band, etc.

You know it’s a good party when…

For reasons unknown, I’ve just completed binge-watching the entire 1950’s Adventures of Superman with George Reeves. One take-away: At no time in the series did Superman change the course of even one mighty river.

Still frame of Adventures of Superman opening, Stuperman posing, with caption “Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers” visible.

Solitude on the water. 📷

Person standing on a paddle board on a calm sea, wifh the sun rising behind.

The weather was delightful last week for our vacation. One morning I made pancakes on the grill by the beach.

Me at a grill cooking pancakes. palm trees and the ocean reflected in clubhouse windows.

The same little twist-tie has kept this suitcase secure during air travel for thirty years. (Welcome to the March 2023 photo challenge!) 📷

Creepy internet robot is creepy

I finally decided I’d try ChatGPT. It requires a login, so I created an account with a single-use email as I do with all services. Then it insisted on a cell phone number, which I don’t use for any non-critical authentication. I have a Google Voice number for such things, so I used that. But it wouldn’t take a “virtual phone number.” Then it made sense, a creepy internet robot only knows how to be creepy. Not worth it to me, so I closed the window.

Cheese, and accessories.

Cross-section of a lasagna slice (photo)

Added a new item to my collection of obsolete-but-beautiful tech.

1951 GE Television in a wood console

I don’t mind being as old as I am, but I’ve had enough of grownupping for a while.

Finished reading: Annie Leibovitz. The early years 1970-1983 by Luc Sante 📚

Last night I gave a talk on local government to 25 ten-year-old scouts. I’m so impressed how aware and engaged they are, with incredibly insightful questions. I can’t wait until they’re old enough to attend Town Meeting!

Finished reading: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker 📚I enjoyed this quite a bit. I’m a big fan of live music, so I sympathized with the characters. An easy read. Shouldn’t be challenging for those who aren’t SciFi fans.

Currently reading: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker 📚

Finished reading: What If? 2 by Randall Munroe 📚

Found today in a box of childhood stuff: A 1983 computer magazine insert of a record. When played into a TRS-80 Color Computer the bleeps and bloops become three little programs.

I wanted to do more indoor bike workouts this month. Apple Fitness wants me to use the elliptical. I may have found a loophole, by doing multiple short workouts in succession…often with a bike ride before or after. (Today is January 5th.)

January Challenge Earn this award by doing 27 Elliptical workouts that last for 5 minutes or more. You've done 12 so far this month.