I just gave my PDFKit talk at 360iDev. Slides and sample code at github.com/mitchcohe…
Achievement unlocked: Used a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose. No injuries nor serious damage. The extinguisher powder knows how to travel though, on almost all surfaces throughout the house. Time to clean!
I’m not a big opera person, but I’ve always loved Akhnaten by Philip Glass. The Met in NYC is doing a production this November, and tickets went on sale today. Insta-buy. (And holy cow, Met tickets aren’t cheap so hopefully I made a reasonable decision…)
The cute pin I got for spending a little more for the ticket. Totally worth it, if only for the semi-quiet spot to chat with others while the radio(?) songs filled the air. No hiding during the show, of course!
The traditional Social Media Moment with @jamesdempsey and the Breakpoints. A great show near WWDC, and fundraiser for App Camp For Girls.
I’m moderating a local candidates’ debate tonight. I have a tux and an American flag bow tie. I’m thinking I shouldn’t, as the candidates should be the center of attention. But I could be convinced otherwise…
I updated my LinkedIn profile today. Doing so gave me no insight into why I should care, or even why it exists. People I know love it so I know I’m missing something. To my eyes and brain it’s like Facebook, just a little bit worse.
Today’s Boston Marathon surprise (as an annual spectator): The large number of runners with AirPods. Mine fit great, but unsure I’d trust them in sweaty ears for 26.2 miles.
After doing the snowblower thing I spent 20 minutes looking for lost AirPods in the snow, using Find my iPhone. Sound was omnipresent but varied with wind and traffic noise. Map had me and the AirPods jumping all over distance-wise. Finally found them, loose in my pocket (with the rubber tether I use to keep them “safe”) right where I’d put them. Guess my fingers were too numb when I first looked. Ack…
My ClassKit/Schoolwork talk at August’s 360iDev is now online at vimeo.com/310848851… Code and related details at github.com/mitchcohe… .
Found two old Apple Store gift cards yesterday. The newer of the two has instructions on adding to Passbook. The older is copyright 2006. Hoping the latter is still valid. If so, I’ll buy myself a present!
A quote I wrote to myself for a Mac IIcx, circa 1989. List price $7069. Usual retail discount at the time was 10-12%. I worked at a dealer, so I could buy at dealer cost - 50% off. I didn’t buy this one; I got a IIci a year later, through an Apple SPIFF program.
“Hey Siri, play NPR news” turns out to be a great HomePod command when prepping a quick meal. Plays the most recent hourly news, then stops.
It’s Alive! It’s Alive! A little more dancing with SMC resets and the 17” MBP has returned to service! Beers for everyone in the office! (Ok, I work at home, nobody else is here, and I don’t drink. It’s the thought that counts.)
Sad part of the day though - my ancient 17” MacBook Pro, one my favorite Macs of all time, seems to have bit the dust. Won’t power on. Was used as the family shared Mac. Sniff!